Five Critical Signs Why You Should Re-evaluate Your Load Testing Infrastructure Now
Previously, you have exactly the right load and performance testing tool chosen for your projects. It meets all your demands on the technology and the cost.
But times are changing. New technologies have been developed, and now your tool no longer fits just as perfectly. Sometimes it is simply the rising costs or dealing with the technical support is increasingly strenuous. It is possible that you are spending as much of precious time with the manual execution of tasks that should have automated.
Here are five signs that will show that the time is right to look for an alternative to your current load testing solutions.
1. Software license fees are too high
Years ago, you might get a good deal on your software license. But if you want to renew your license now, you notice that they gobble up too much of your budget, and you do not get enough for your money.
High software license fees may be associated with:
Overpriced Software Licenses
You might work with one of the best load testing tools, but pay so possibly for too many functions, protocols, and technology that you do not really need?
Increasing number of virtual users licenses
The techniques on the Web have matured, and many companies have found that they need to test their system with much larger user load than in the past required. This has a disadvantageous effect on the license cost.
Many licenses
Your team has grown over the years with more developers, DevOps staffs, and QA team and you need the license for all.
A-la-cart options
The system that you want to test, working with the latest technology, you just need to test also. But for each additional option, you must pay. The thus reflected directly on your total costs.
2. You spend too much time with manual changes
There are many different load testing tools for a variety of applications and budgets. And if you find that you spend too much time on manual processing, you might work with the wrong program.
One example is the processing of test scenarios
Spend too much time trying to update scenarios or re-record and because your tool no items such as .css or .js files extracted when something is altered only? Another sign is that you spend too much time with the correction of errors, resulting from manual changes.
Another example is correlation and parameterization
If you hours or even days spent manually adjust correlating parameters, you should look for a more efficient solution.
Reporting you should not really take time
If you do not get the reports you need and maybe even test results as an Excel file (or other formats) export to manipulate the test metrics, then something is wrong.
3. Identify the fundamental problem is too long
Finally, it comes with performance testing yes to identifying bottlenecks and improve system performance. If you indeed can stress the system with your tool, but did not get a proper evaluation, which helps you to identify bottlenecks and the precise definition of the problem area, then you probably do not meet all the objectives of the load test.
Therefore, you might want the possibility of better integrating load testing tool and an APM tool (Application Performance Monitoring) to accelerate the procedure and shorten the lead times for testing and software deployment.
4. Frustratingly technical support
You already clear that performance testing is a complicated matter in which you have to face new challenges again and again.
- Helps you, your reseller if you need technical assistance?
- How long you usually have to wait for the answer to technical questions?
- Get your answers quickly or you have to put up with the first-level support, which is not good enough versed to answer your questions?
- If you have to wait forever for help, maybe it is time to look for alternatives.
5. Some stakeholders are left out
Early testing of software was purely the QA group. Testers have carried out tests and reported the results. However, the progress has spawned processes such as agile development, continuous integration, and DevOps. These have also influenced the processes of testing, development and software deployment.
Therefore, you should also have the opportunity to share the results with a greater number of people from different groups. You might want to test data store, in the same archive and not only on the desktop of a single tester.
Maybe you also want to see the results in real time during the test run to uncover problems, the test pause and quickly troubleshoot, instead detect problems until much later.
And finally, you might want to automate your performance tests and integrate them into a continuous delivery process. If your load tests are however limited to the lab, and you cannot share any information with different groups and stakeholders, it is time to look for a provider that can solve all your problems.
Platform Lab offers on-demand infrastructure to off-load your projects to ensure that you do not have to slow down your project schedule. Platform Lab provides a complete hosting solution for project and testing environments so you do not need to invest in infrastructure for your in-house test lab.
The client states how many concurrent users a test will need, the preferred test tool and the length of the test. Platform Lab creates the load test driver environment quickly and setup time is measured in hours, not days.
Platform Lab has partnerships in place with over 15 software firms to provide our clients with the best selection of capabilities and price points of load test testing tools. Platform Lab provides the key hardware, software, and bandwidth required for all types of load and stress testing.